Camera Angles/Movements/Shots: A film like this requires a various amounts of different camera shots to prefect. The three most often used are the birds eye view shot from above the water surface to see all the action going on beneath the water. The close ups to have a better view of the characters trapped in the cage at the bottom of the ocean. Wide shots are also used a various amounts of time when filming the scenes with the shark swimming around the cage that the humans are trapped in, so the viewers can view both sides of the action.
COSTUMES of the characters in this film were typical everyday clothes during the opening and closing scenes of the movie. The majority of the film was spent underneath the ocean with the characters wearing bathing suites and scuba tanks.
LIGHTING was very dim throughout the entire movie, the ocean water was cold, which made the lighting dark and gloomy.
ACTING in a movie like this takes a lot of skill and profession because their wasn't too much communication and talking going on so its based on facial expressions and signals.
MAKEUP was used to add effects to the people for example cuts, bruises, and blood.
SETTING of the film takes place on a boat in the Dominican Republic.
Editing: The shark and all of the effects added under the water.
Sound: The loud winds and strong waves pushing against the cage under the water and the boat.
Elements found in movie: The suspense, lack of communication, and insane turn of events
Elements that don't appeal: Their were no crazy made up creatures or people with monsters.

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